The Jacopone da Todi Research Database

We have attempted to collect all known bibliographical references (of the 20th and 21st centuries) relating entirely or substantially to Jacopone da Todi.  All languages and all forms of publication (including video, theatrical and musical presentations, etc.) were included.  The results are presented in the spreadsheet below, which can be searched by author, by title (even partial), by year of publication or by language.

Our literature search is ongoing and we hope to update this database regularly.  We will be very grateful to anyone who sends us details of texts and publications (including academic theses), in any language, not already listed here. To send us a submission please email

  • 1. Written Texts

    1.1. Published

    1.1.1. Books

    1.1.2. Academic publications and Journals

    1.1.3. Other publications and popular magazines


    1.3. Online (and various)

    2. Audio Documents

    2.1. Recordings of Stabat Mater Concerts

    2.2. Recordings of poetry-prose Readings

    2.3. Recordings of conferences/communications (and various)

    3. Visual Documents

    3.1. Video/film concerning (or inspired by) Jacopone

    3.2. Video of lecture/conference concerning (or inspired by) Jacopone

    3.3. Visual Artwork concerning (or inspired by) Jacopone (and various)Description text goes here

To search the database:

1.      right click on the column header ('Language', 'Author', 'Title', etc.)

2.      click on 'Sort'

3.      click on 'Customized Sort'

4.      arrange the order of sorting as you wish.