The Rediscovery of Christmas guided by Jacopone da Todi

An encounter between Christianity and Poetry

Event poster

For the first time, Jacopone was remembered at Christmas in the city of Todi and in a convent of Franciscan Friars Minor. On Christmas night in 1306 (716 years ago) Jacopone died in the small Convent of the Poor Clares of Collazzone. This meeting was dedicated to two laudi that celebrate the coming of Christ into this world and to one laude that recalls Jacopone's passage from this world to life beyond life. As the title suggests, the evening was intended to be a rediscovery of the Christian Christmas.

Press play below for the Italian recording.

Read a full English translation here

Claudio Peri

I was born in Todi where I spent the first 20 years of my life and where I hope to spend the last 20 years! As a professor at the University of Milan, I have been involved in the problems of quality, safety and ethics of food production for 40 years. After retirement, I cultivated as a hobby the theme of the quality of extra virgin olive oil, which I consider a miracle of nature and then the theme of spirituality and Jacopone's poetry: this too is a miracle. But the greatest thing, which I owe to God's infinite benevolence, was the love of Teresa and then of our three children and then of our seven grandchildren. As the Cat Stevens song says: “I am old, but I'm happy”!


The Two Easters of Jacopone da Todi