
Claudio Peri has produced a podcast series reviewing various aspects of the life, work and mysticism of Jacopone da Todi. In each issue of this newsletter we will present two episodes of this podcast, recorded both in Italian and in English.

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Podcasts Claudio Peri Podcasts Claudio Peri

Episode 2

Jacopone 's conversion followed the model set by St. Francis and repeated in Italy and around the world by hundreds and then thousands of people, young and older, male and female. This involved responding to the recommendation Jesus gave to a rich young man: “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have, give it to the poor ... then come and follow me”.

Jacopone was not a man of half measures:

One fine day in the year 1268, …

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Podcasts Claudio Peri Podcasts Claudio Peri

Episode 1

The information Jacopone gives us about his life before conversion is summarized very effectively in two autobiographical poems. The first, ‘O me lascio dolente (O unhappy and sorrowful, I)’ refers to the period of youth including when he studied law in some university of the time, perhaps Bologna. Jacopone is aged between 20 and 30 years and has all the characteristics of a young man from a good family: joyful, conceited and vain. He can write about poetry and music, he participates in parties, courts women, gives expensive gifts and squanders the modest economic resources of the family.

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